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学术报告―Stochastic modeling of systems mapping in pharmacogenomics

作者:编辑: 时间:2013-06-27 点击量:





报告人:Zuoheng Wang博士,耶鲁大学助理教授


讲座内容:Stochastic modeling of systems mapping in pharmacogenomics

As a basis of personalized medicine, pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics that aim to study the genetic architecture of drug response critically rely on dynamic modeling of how a drug is absorbed and transported to target tissues where the drug interacts with body molecules to produce drug effects. Systems mapping provides a general framework for integrating systems pharmacology and pharmacogenomics through robust ordinary differential equations. In this talk, we extend systems mapping to more complex and more heterogeneous structure of drug response by implementing stochastic differential equations (SDE). We argue that SDE-implemented systems mapping provides a computational tool for pharmacogenetic or pharmacogenomic research towards personalized medicine.



Zuoheng Wang,芝加哥大学统计学博士,现耶鲁大学生命学院助理教授,从事遗传学相关统计和计算方法的研究。主要运用统计学方法分析和鉴定个体的复杂性状和复杂疾病的遗传因素。此外,还包括利用第二代测序数据发掘稀有变异。她现在已是数理统计研究院,美国统计协会,泛华统计协会,美国人类遗传学会和国际遗传流行病学会的成员。

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