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学术报告:Biological and Theranostic Applications of AIEgens

作者:编辑:夏炎枝 时间:2018-10-22 点击量:

报告人:唐本忠 院士



邀请人:杨祥良 教授




基于唐教授在聚集诱导发光领域取得的成就和在领域的引领作用,应世界著名的Wiley出版社的诚挚邀请,他与国内外研究AIE材料的各大课题组共同撰写了一本有关AIE的专著,现已经得到国内外的广泛关注。已发表学术论文1000多篇,总引约67,000次,h因子为126。作为项目负责人承担了总资金约4000万港币和8000万人民币的科研项目80余项,其中包括国家自然科学基金委基础科学中心项目1、国家重点基础研究计划(973计划)1项、国家杰出青年基金1项、国家自然科学基金3项、国际合作项目3项等。在学术会议上作了400多场邀请报告,拥有50多项专利。现任ACS新闻周刊Noteworthy Chemistry专栏科学新闻撰稿人,Materials Chemistry Frontier (RSC)总主编,英国皇家化学学会(RSC)高分子化学丛书主编,Polymer ChemistryRSC)和Progress in Chemistry杂志副主编,以及20多家国际科学杂志顾问、编委或客座编辑等。

先后获得多项荣誉及奖励,于2002年获得由国家自然科学基金授予的“杰出青年学者”(B类,海外华裔科学家)称号,2007年获国家自然科学二等奖、Croucher基金会高级研究员奖、中国化学会王葆仁奖和Elsevier杂志社冯新德奖,2012Science China Chemistry杰出贡献奖、美国化学学会高分子材料部:科学与工程分会Macro2012讲座奖等,2014年获伊朗科技部科学技术研究组织颁发的Khwarizmi国际奖和2015年获广州市荣誉市民,连续2014-2017年当选全球材料和化学领域“高被引科学家”。2016年,AIE纳米粒子被《Nature》列为支撑即将来临的纳米光革命的四大纳米材料之一,并是唯一一种由中国科学家原创的新材料;同年,美国CNBC电视台 以“Year of Cancer”的主题,实况专访唐院士,向全球直播介绍AIE荧光探针在识别癌症细胞等领域的应用; 以第一项目完成人身份凭“聚集诱导发光”项目获得2017年度国家自然科学一等奖。


Nanomedicine is an emerging and fast growing field, in which the application of nanotechnology to healthcare offers numerous improvements to medical diagnosis, therapy, etc. The development of novel fluorescent nanomaterials for biomedical applications has become one of the most important aspects of nanomedicine and has attracted increasing research interest. Previous studies have mainly been focused on fluorescent inorganic nanoparticles, such as semiconductor quantum dots, fluorescent carbon dots, metallic nanoclusters, etc. The major issues for their practical biomedical applications, especially for in vivo applications, are still a challenge, mainly due to their notorious toxicity to living organisms. As a kind of alternative nanomaterials for various biomedical applications, fluorescent organic nanoparticles have emerged and gained great interest because of their various interesting optical properties, facile fabrication and nice biocompatibility. However, the fluorescence of most conventional organic dyes is quenched in aggregate state or at high concentration, which is named as aggregation-caused quenching (ACQ). This ACQ effect seriously hampers their potential applications in nanomedicine, such as bioimaging, diagnosis and therapy. By contrast, aggregation-induced emission luminogens (AIEgens) are weakly emissive when molecules are uniformly dispersed in solution, but “lit-up” when forming (nano)aggregates. With the significant advantages of high emission efficiency in the aggregated state, low background noise in dilute solution, excellent photostability and large Stokes’ shift, AIEgens and AIE nanoparticles are especially suitable for bioimaging, diagnosis and therapy. AIEgens with various skeletons are designed as superior agents for biological process monitoring and disease theranostics. Moreover, AIEgens or AIE nanoparticles can be conveniently incorporated into the present theranostic platforms by combining them with various imaging and therapeutics modalities, such as multiphoton imaging, photoacoustic imaging, photothermal imaging, chemotherapy, photodynamic therapy, photothermal therapy, gene therapy, etc.

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