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作者:编辑: 时间:2007-04-10 点击量:

Britton Chance Center for Biomedical Photonics (BC CBMP) International Business and Scientific Advisory Board Meeting

Thursday-Saturday 12-14 April 2007

Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics (WNLO),

Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST), Wuhan, P.R. China

Wednesday 11 April

Check in Wuhan Lakeview Garden Hotel, Hongshan 115, Luoyu Road, Wuhan

Thursday 12 April

Board Meeting, Room A301@WNLO

Opening Ceremony    Chair: Wei LIU, Vice president of HUST                  08:00 to 09:00

Welcome Remarks     Chaohui YE, Director of WNLOAcademician of Chinese      

                                      Academy of Sciences

                                      Conferring certificates of appointment by Mayor Xiansheng LI

                                      and President Peigen LI

                                      Britton CHANCE, University of Pennsylvania     

                                      Da Hsuan FENG, The University of Texas at Dallas

                                      Qingming LUO, Director of BC CBMP

Welcome Speech       Converging of Engineering and Medicine: HUST

Responsibilities in the 21st Century, Peigen LI, President of

Huazhong University of Science and Technology and

Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering

Group Photo and Coffee Break                                                                   09:00 to 09:30

Board Meeting, Room A301@WNLO

Chair: Da Hsuan FENG, The University of Texas at Dallas

R&D Reports in BC CBMP (I)    Overview of the Britton Chance center: what, why

                                                        and how, Qingming LUO, Director of BC CBMP

                                                                                                                        09:30 to 10:00

R&D Reports in BC CBMP (II)    Optical molecular imaging: from optical probes to

                                                         instrumentation, Shaoqun ZENG, BC CBMP   

                                                                                                                        10:00 to 10:30

R&D Reports in BC CBMP (III)   Optical imaging approaches in cognitive

                                                         neuroscience,Pengcheng LI, BC CBMP

                                                                                                                        10:30 to 11:00

Lab tour (2 groups), Building G@WNLO                                                  11:10 to 12:10

Lunch Break, Wuhan Lakeview Garden Hotel                                               12:20 to 13:00

Executive Session for the Board, Room D302@WNLO                              14:00 to 15:40

Open Discussion       Chair: Da Hsuan FENG (Robert’s rules)

Brief Summary         Britton CHANCE

Coffee Break                                                                                                  15:40 to 16:00

Special Lecture to College of Life Science and Technology, Room A301@WNLO

Chair: Shaoqun ZENG, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Pattern Formation in the Cerebellum, Richard HAWKES, Faculty of Medicine,

University of Calgary (Canada)                                                                      14:45 to 15:45

Special Lectures, Room A301@WNLO

Chair: Jianquan YAO, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Tianjin


Key role of high-tech in medicine, history analysis in cardiac electrophysiology,

Ruey-Jen SUNG, Vice President and Professor of Cardiology, Cheng Kung University,

Tainan                                                                                                            16:00 to 16:30

Technology development and tech transfer experience in CapitalBio, Jing CHENG,

Founder and CEO & CTO of CapitalBio, Director of National Engineering Research

Center for Beijing Biochip Technology                                                           16:30 to 17:00

Responsibilities of 21st century research universities (especially US and China) in

the global landscape, Da Hsuan FENG, The University of Texas at Dallas

                                                                                                                       17:00 to 17:30

Banquet hosted by HUST and Hubei Provincial Science & Technology

Department, Ramada Plaza Optics Valley Hotel Wuhan                             18:00 to 19:00

Speech by Yuquan Zhu, the Chairman of HUST committee

Chair: Yanjie Wang, Chief of Hubei Provincial Science & Technology Department

                                                                                                                       18:40 to 19:00

First PUBLIC Nobel Lecture, Auditorium No.1, HUST Convention Center

Why our proteins have to die so we shall live, Aaron CIECHANOVER, 2004

Nobel laureate in Chemistry, Vascular and Tumor Biology Research Center, The

Rappaport Faculty of Medicine and Research Institute, Technion-Israel Institute of

 Technology Chair: Jing CHENG, Cheung Kong Professor of Ministry of Education

and Director of Medical Systems Biology Research Center, Tsinghua University

School of Medicine                                                                                         19:30 to 21:00


Friday 13 April

Special Lectures, Room A301@WNLO

Chair: Jing CHENG, Cheung Kong Professor of Ministry of Education and

 Director of Medical Systems Biology Research Center, Tsinghua University

School of Medicine

Accelerating translational research and the transfer of technology to the

commercial cycle: "Bridging the valley of death". A. Stephen DAHMS, President

and CEO of the Alfred E. Mann Foundation for Biomedical Engineering    

                                                                                                                       08:30 to 09:00

Intellectual property and academic research: how to mesh the two seamlessly?

Howard CHEN Esq., Partner, K&L Gates                                                     09:00 to 09:30

Publication trends in 21st century Biotechnology, Steven GOODMAN, University of

Texas at Dallas                                                                                              09:30 to 10:00

Announcement of a new journal: Journal of Biomedical Photonics (JBP), K K

PHUA,Founder and CEO of World Scientific Publications Corporation       10:00 to 10:10

Coffee Break                                                                                                  10:10 to 10:20

Board Meeting, Room D302@WNLO

Critique of the White Paper for the BC CBMP, organized by Da Hsuan FENG

                                                                                                                        10:20 to 11:50

Summary and Farewell, Qingming LUO                                                      11:50 to 12:00

Lunch break, Bai Jing Yuan Restaurant                                                        12:00 to 13:30

City Tour (Hubei Provincial Museum and Yellow Crane Tower)                  14:00 to 18:00

Buffet Dinner, Wuhan Lakeview Garden Hotel                                              18:30 to 19:00

Second PUBLIC Lecture, Auditorium No.1, HUST Convention Center       19:00 to 20:30

"Metabolism as the Guiding Light" in diabetes, stem cell and cancer studies, Britton

CHANCE, Ph.D., Sc.D. (Cantab.), M.D. (Hon), Eldridge Reeves Johnson University

Professor Emeritus of Biophysics, Physical Chemistry, and Radiologic Physics, Member

of the National Academy of Sciences, Foreign Member of the Royal Society, Member of

the American Philosophical Society

Chair: Qingming LUO, Huazhong University of Science and Technology


Saturday 14 April

Workshop on Breast Cancer: A Public Health Menace in China and the World

Room A301@WNLO

Chair: Shoko NIOKA, University of Pennsylvania

Epidemiology of breast cancer in China, Jesse HUANG, Professor of Epidemiology,

Assistant President and Dean for Continuing Medical Education, Peking Union Medical

College (Medical Branch of Tsinghua University) and Chinese Academy of Medical

Sciences                                                                                                        08:30 to 09:15

Optical handheld home care scanner for breast cancer, Britton CHANCE, University

of Pennsylvania                                                                                             09:15 to 10:00

Coffee Break                                                                                                 10:00 to 10:10

Practical breast MRI-applications and interventions for clinical practice, Olivia Ho

Cheng, President/CEO, Aurora Imaging Technology (USA)                        10:10 to 10:55

Clinical practice of mammography and breast MRI in Wuhan Union Hospital, Fan

Yang, Wuhan Union Hospital, HUST, Wuhan, China                                    10:55 to 11:40

Summary by Shoko Nioka, University of Pennsylvania                                 11:40 to 11:50


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