记录小组:TEAM 6
上午是Sylvain和Janek负责我们的课程。Sylvain教授照例以问卷的形式详细询问了我们对衣食住行和课程安排上的意见和建议,并且给我们讲解了科学研究部分的课程安排。随后Janek教授向我们介绍了将要进行的关于枫丹白露森林的研究课题。枫丹白露森林(法语:Forêt de Fontainebleau)是法国巴黎东南部的一座森林,因其优美的生态环境和特殊的地理条件而吸引了许多游客和研究者。

在下午的活动中,我们分为两个大组,其中一个组前往巴黎市区进行游览,另一个组前往参观SOLEIL同步加速器(法语:Source Optimisée de Lumière à Energie Intermédiaire du LURE)。我们小组参与的是后者。“SOLEIL”在法文中,正好是“太阳”的意思, SOLEIL同步加速器能够产生从远红外到硬X射线范围的各种波长的辐射。这些辐射被广泛应用于材料科学、生命科学、物理化学、分析化学、环境科学等多个领域。如,X射线衍射和吸收实验研究材料的结构和特性,利用同步辐射进行蛋白质晶体学研究等等。



参观结束之后,晚上六点半,大家齐聚一堂,参加法方精心筹办的欢迎会。欢迎会由教授Sylvain Fisson主持,除了中法同学、老师之外,埃夫里市副市长Pascal CHATAGNON和埃夫里大学校长Vincent BOUHIER一同参加了此次欢迎会并且致辞。他们的言辞中字里行间流露出对我们的欢迎与期待,和对此次夏令营的美好展望。同学们认真聆听他们的欢迎词,并献上了热烈的掌声。

Today marks the second day of our study tour in France. The weather is pleasant, and after a good night's rest, we are ready and enthusiastic to start a new day's journey. The amiable weather and joy reminded me of France in Albert Camus’s Summer:“The breeze is cool and the sky blue. I love this life with abandon and wish to speak of it boldly: it makes me proud of my human condition.”
This morning, our courses were led by Professors Sylvain and Janek. Professor Sylvain conducted a detailed survey to collect our opinions and suggestions regarding accommodations, transportation, and the curriculum schedule as usual. He also detailed the course schedule for the scientific research section. Later, Professor Janek introduced the project we would undertake about the Fontainebleau Forest. The Fontainebleau Forest (French: Forêt de Fontainebleau) is a forest located southeast of Paris, known for its beautiful ecological environment and unique geographical conditions, attracting numerous tourists and researchers.
In the afternoon, we were divided into two groups. One group went on a tour of Paris, while the other visited the SOLEIL Synchrotron (French: Source Optimisée de Lumière à Energie Intermédiaire du LURE). We participated in the latter one. The synonym "SOLEIL" means "sun" in French. The SOLEIL synchrotron accelerator can generate radiations of various wavelengths, ranging from far-infrared to hard X-rays. These radiations have been extensively applied in multiple fields, including materials sciences, life sciences, physical chemistry, analytical chemistry, and environmental sciences. For instance, X-ray diffraction and absorption experiments are employed to study the structure and properties of materials, and synchrotron radiation is utilized in protein crystallography research.
From the outer look, SOLEIL is a circular structure. In addition to the main accelerator, it includes several auxiliary buildings such as condensation equipment, refrigeration systems, a control center, and laboratories. These facilities are crucial for maintaining the proper operation of the accelerator. The condensation equipment and refrigeration systems ensure that the accelerator operates at appropriate temperatures, the control center monitors and adjusts the accelerator's operations, and the laboratories provide support for scientific research. Together, these buildings form a complex and efficient scientific research platform, enabling SOLEIL to perform its functions across various fields.
The institute's researchers enthusiastically and patiently explained the working mechanism of SOLEIL. The accelerated electron beam can generate radiation light, with frequencies ranging from infrared to ultraviolet and X-rays. These beams meet various research needs, making them suitable for fields such as physics, chemistry, life sciences, and even archaeology. The staff also told us that due to these properties, the subject of experiments in one laboratory often alters every two weeks.
In addition to its primary scientific research functions, SOLEIL has multiple other functionalities. It promotes the development of related technologies, which are widely applied in industrial and medical fields. SOLEIL also plays a crucial role in environmental research, analyzing pollutants and monitoring ecosystems to help develop environmental policies.
The tour of the entire synchrotron impressed us most with the tremendous structure and exquisite design of the accelerator, which leads to the perfect unity of the immense and the iota. It compelled us to admire the meticulousness and advanced nature of modern scientific research.
SOLEIL holds a significant position not only in scientific research fields but also in promoting global scientific collaboration and technological advancement. It provides such an essential research platform for scientists. As its name suggests, SOLEIL acts like a scientific "sun," illuminating the frontiers of various disciplines with its brilliant light.
After the tour, at 6:30 PM, everyone gathered for a welcome ceremony prepared by our French hosts. Professor Sylvain Fisson hosted the welcome party. Except for the Chinese and French students and teachers, the deputy mayor of Evry-courcouronnes city, Pascal Chatagnon, and the headmaster of the University of Evry, Vincent Bouhier, attended the party and delivered a welcome remark. Their words were filled with enthusiasm and sincere welcomes, expressing high expectations for us and optimistic prospects for the summer school. The students listened attentively to the speeches and gave rounds of warm applause.
After the speeches concluded, the party officially began. French pop music played through the speakers, and students, teachers, and professors danced to the music, took photos, and chatted to foster deeper connections.
This welcome ceremony was not just a ceremony but a feast for the soul. The warm atmosphere made everyone feel at home, and hearts were closely bonded together at this moment. The friendship between China and France grew more vital in this sea of joy, with harmonious melodies resonating through the cloudy dusk, becoming a cherished memory of this time.