
前一天的晚上,由Marilou为我们讲解了Parc Astérix主题背后的童话故事——阿斯泰利克斯历险记,高卢英雄,瘦小的阿斯泰利克斯 (Astérix) 和 胖胖的奥贝利克斯 (Obélix) 的冒险经历,以及该童话故事的历史背景——罗马帝国时期,古罗马军团和高卢战士之间的战争。

十六号这天,顺利完成每天的小测试之后,我们抵达Parc Astérix。探索的过程中,有穿插着的阿斯泰利克斯历险记元素,现实与童话相印交织,历史与现代文明碰撞,让人不禁沉醉在单纯美丽的世界。
在Parc Astérix的探索之旅中,我们不仅体验了寓教于乐的乐趣,更是在这个充满法国特色的环境中收获了许多宝贵的人生经验。我们学会了如何将课堂知识与文化实践相结合,增强了我们的跨文化沟通能力。此外,这次旅行也锻炼了我们的独立思考和解决问题的能力,让我们在面对挑战时更加从容不迫。带着这些满满的收获,我们信心满满地准备回到校园,将这次旅行的感悟转化为动力,继续在学术和人生的道路上勇往直前。
After fifteen rewarding days in France, on the sixteenth day, we embarked on a unique journey to the French-themed Parc Astérix.
The night before, Marilou introduced us to the fairy tale behind Parc Astérix, "The Adventures of Astérix". She shared the adventures of the Gallic hero, the small but brave Astérix, and his chubby companion Obélix. She revealed the historical background of the story set during the Roman Empire, depicting the battles between the ancient Roman legions and the Gallic warriors.
On the sixteenth day, after successfully finishing our daily quiz, we arrived at Parc Astérix. During our exploration, we encountered intertwined elements of "The Adventures of Astérix", blended reality and fairy tale, and the collision of history and modern civilization. It was a captivating experience in a pure and beautiful world.
In our journey through Parc Astérix, we not only enjoyed the fun of educational entertainment but also gained many valuable life experiences in this French-themed environment. We learned how to combine classroom knowledge with cultural practice, enhancing our cross-cultural communication skills. Additionally, this trip strengthened our ability to think independently and solve problems, making us face challenges unhurried. With these rich experiences, we are confident and prepared to return to campus, ready to transform the insights gained from this trip into motivation and to continue advancing on our academic and life paths with determination.