法国当地时间9点,我们又在IBGBI迎来了人类基因组学的第二次课堂。基因组学身为一门对所有基因进行基因组作图、核苷酸序列分析、基因定位、基因功能分析的科学,主要包括两方面的内容:以全基因组测序为目标的结构基因组学和以基因功能鉴定为目标的功能基因组学。而今天,Elsabeth Teixeira老师给我们系统地讲述了人类基因组学的基础DNA的多态性的相关知识。
首先从点突变的一些背景知识开始讲起,例如转换、颠换、HapMAP项目群体、微卫星及其用途等等。在此基础上,重点讲述了SNPs之间的连接及其相关计算问题。基础知识传授告一段落后,我们开始了相关上机实践。首先我们练习的是用1000 Genomes Project 进行SNP相关信息收集,我们成功查询到了ESR1基因中SNP数目以及特定SNP的位置、等位基因特定数据库中等位基因出现的频率等等。

在今天的法语课上,我们学习了如何表达数字。非常有趣的是,法语中的数字不同于中文中直接进行表达,而是通过小的数字的加法和乘法来得出大的数字的。例如70在法语中就是60+10,80则是4 × 20。虽然在学习时有些麻烦,但是这个过程非常有趣,教室里始终充斥着欢声笑语。在课堂中,我们学会了如何说自己的电话号码,同时也知道了法国人的电话号码的形式,与英语和中文不同,是两个数字一说的。

结束法语课短暂的休息后,我们动身前往两公里之外的之前没去过的体育馆,由于阿兰只有一辆八座的车,因此剩下的8个人凭借着阿兰指明的大致位置探索全新的道路。我们穿过“Evry 2”商场,来到一个陌生的小区,我们选择不贸然进入小区,走楼梯来到了另一条道上。中途我们被一辆警车拦住,询问我们去哪里,知道我们的目的地之后提醒我们前方可能会遭遇抢劫,建议我们把手机收起来,结伴而行。幸运的是,虽然我们胆战心惊地行进,最后还是顺利地到达了体育馆。体育教练是之前在枫丹白露森林带领我们徒步的皮尔,他先是教我们如何在攀岩过程中测行,接着拿出了篮球排球足球,我们自由活动。皮尔和四位女生互相颠球,四位男生和两位女生进行了一场友谊篮球比赛,在体育馆里尽情地挥洒汗水,享受运动带来的快乐。充实而又快乐的一天在回去路上温暖阳光的照射下画上了圆满的句号。
At 9 o'clock in France, we took our second class of human genomics at IBGBI. Genomics is a science of genome mapping, nucleotide sequence analysis, gene mapping, and gene function analysis of all genes, including two aspects: structural genomics aiming at whole genome sequencing and Functional genomics aiming at the identification of gene function. Today, professor Elisabeth Petit-Teixeira gave us a systematic description of the DNA polymorphism.
The course started with some background knowledge of SNP, such as transitions , transversions , HapMAP project , microsatellites and their uses. On this basis, we focused on the connection between SNPs and their related calculative problems.the basic knowledge transfer was behind, and we started the related practice. First, we practiced the SNP-related information collection with the 1000 Genomes Project. We successfully searched for the number of SNPs identified in the ESR1 gene, the position of SNP, the frequency of alleles in certain population and so on.

In the second part of the exercise, we calculated of linkage disequilibrium between SNPs. By comparing the distance between the two SNPs and the information obtained from the population , we successfully calculated r2, and then we went to the ensemble website to generate a linkage disequilibrium map.The last exercise was related to copy number variation. We found the type, length, number of times of being detected, method used to detect it, and so on.

The close combination of basic knowledge and practice in this class impresses us with deeper recognition of the emergence of some problems and the research methods in genomics, and it benefits us a lot.
On the afternoon of July 15th, local time, we came to the French class again. In the French class last week, we learned the French alphabet, how to greet with others in French and how to describe morphological features in French. Although we can't understand it precisly in class, we can still feel the hard work of the French teacher, and the classroom laughs constantly.
In today's French class, we learned how to express numbers. It is very interesting that the numbers in French are different from the direct expression in Chinese, but the addition and multiplication of small numbers to produce large numbers. For example, 70 is 60 plus 10 and 80 is 4 mutiply 20 in French. Although it is a bit of trouble to learn, the process is very interesting and the classroom is always filled with laughter. In the classroom, we learned how to speak our own phone number, and also know the form of the French phone number, which is different from English and Chinese.
In the second part of the class, we learned how to say the month and week, and successfully learned to write our own birthday and express most of our personal information in French.we also learned French expressions of some professions, such as primary school teachers, carpenters, traffic police, etc. And also learned a detailed description of these occupations. Everyone is very active and serious. And our fianl French class went to the end in a happy atmosphere.

After a short break in the French class, we set off for a stadium two kilometers away. Since Alan only has an eight-seater car, the others go there on foot. Exploring the brand new roads in general. We walked through the "Evry 2" shopping mall and came to a strange community. We chose not to rush into other people's communities and take the stairs to another road. On the way We were stopped by a police car , asking us where to go.When knowing our destination they reminded us that we might be robbed in front and suggested that we take the phone away and go together. Fortunately, although we marched with trepidation, we finally arrived at the stadium smoothly. The sports coach is Peel who led us on foot in the Fontainebleau Forest. He first taught us how to measure during the rock climbing, and then took out the basketball ,volleyball and football. We were free to play. Peel and four girls played volleyball together, four boys and two girls played a friendship basketball game, sweating in the gym and enjoying the joy of sports. At last, a full and happy day was completed with a warm, sunny day on the way back.