Day 11: 继续学习
今天是来到哥廷根大学X-lab实验室学习的第二天,经过昨天一天的学习和晚上的市区游览,大家逐渐熟悉了这里的学习节奏,简单了解了城市和大学的历史。今天继续学习有关分子生物学的实验知识,昨天在Maram Bader博士的带领下我们提取了细菌质粒、进行了限制酶切和电泳检测DNA条带,最后我们将提取出的带有GFP和抗性基因的质粒转化到大肠杆菌中培养过夜。


5点左右,Barbara Riller向我们介绍了哥廷根和XLAB实验室有关情况。哥廷根恰好位于德国的心脏,被德国人称为“科学之城”,而哥廷根大学是由乔治二世于1737年创立的,自创立以来,涌现出了一大批饮誉世界的著名学者。每年,都会有来自世界各国的学生来XLAB进行生物学、生态学、神经科学、化学和物理的学习。XLAB通过理论与科学实验之间的互动,来培养学生对科学的兴趣与探索精神,鼓励他们寻找有效的科研方法。“You hear,and you forget. You see, and you remember. You do and you understand.”理论与实践相结合,或许我们才能做到真正的融会贯通。
Today is the second day of our course at the X-lab at the University of Göttingen. After a day of study and a evening tour of the city, everyone gradually became familiar with the pace of learning and briefly understood the history of the city and the university. Yesterday, under the leadership of Dr. Maram Bader, we extracted bacterial plasmids, performed restriction enzyme digestion and electrophoresis to detect DNA samples, and finally we extracted the plasmid with GFP and Amp. The plasmid was transformed into E. coli and cultured overnight. Today, we continue to learn experimental knowledge about molecular biology.

The first thing that we did today was to observe the experimental results of yesterday's transformation. Under ultraviolet light, all the students saw the green fluorescence emitted by E. coli transferred with the GFP gene. Next, we began today's study, including the isolation of proteins from bacteria, and finally SDS gel electrophoresis of the isolated proteins. In addition, the teacher specially designed a very interesting PCR experiment for us to test the animal source in the meat sample. Using the high conservation of the cytochrome-b gene in different animals, we can obtain PCR products of different lengths by using primers designed for different species, and finally we can determine which animal the meat in the meat product comes from.

After a delicious lunch and a short rest, we started the afternoon class. We successfully obtained the results of gel electrophoresis, and clearly observed the pGLO corresponding bands in the positive group. We also analyzed the PCR results of our meat products in turn. It was interesting that the results of one group of students were not consistent with the records. Maybe we just met some bad merchants who used inferior products as good ones. During the experiment, the teacher also introduced to us the principle of RFLP, AFLP and RAPD, their differences, as well as some applications of PCR, such as clinical diagnosis, detection, identification of genetic relationship, criminal investigation and detection. PCR is a kind of biotechnology commonly used in our daily experiments, but this time using PCR to identify the types of meat will be closely linked with our life. The experience is special. And through it, we deeply feel that life is science everywhere.
At 5 o 'clock, Barbara Riller briefed us on Gottingen and XLAB. Located in the heart of Germany, Gottingen university is called "the city of science" by the Germans. Since it was established by George II in 1737, a large number of famous scholars have emerged. Every year, students from all over the world come to XLAB to study biology, ecology, neuroscience, chemistry and physics. Through the interaction between theories and scientific experiments, XLAB cultivates students' interest in science and exploration spirit, and encourages them to find effective scientific research methods.
Time always passes very fast. And the sun has fallen slowly. the whole Gottingen also slowly quiet down. I wish tomorrow could come earlier.