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时间:2011-12-05     浏览次数:



课程名称 中文:生物降解与转化
英文:Biodegradation & Bioconversion
课程代码 170.521 授课语言 英文
上课日期 2011.12.6-7 上课地点 东十一楼七楼会议室
具体时间 教学内容 授课教师 学时
12.6   8:30-10:00 Distribution and structure of lignocellulosics Prof. Buswell 2
12.6  10:00-12:00 Microbiology, biochemistry and molecular biology of lignocellulose-degrading systems Prof. Buswell 2
12.6  15:00-18:00 Applications of lignocellulose-degrading enzymes Prof. Buswell 3
12.7   8:30-10:00 Biodegradation & Bioconversion of renewable biomass: Mushroom production
Mushroom production
Prof. Buswell 2
12.7   10:00-12:00 Biodegradation & Bioconversion of renewable biomass: Mushroom nutriceuticals Prof. Buswell 2
12.7   15:00-18:00 discussion Prof. Buswell 3