报告人:刘永鑫 研究员
邀请人:陈卫华 教授

报告人简介:刘永鑫,中国农科院基因组所研究员,iMeta期刊执行主编,宏基因组公众号创始人。主要研究方向为微生物组研究方法、功能研究和科学传播,在Science、iMeta、Nature Biotechnology、Nature Microbiology、Cell Host & Microbe等期刊发表论文50余篇,被引14000余次。主编《微生物组实验手册》专著,由300多位同行参与,共同打造本领域长期更新的中文百科全书。在科学传播方向,创办宏基因组公众号为本领域分享研究方法,成果解读博文3000+篇, 15万+同行关注,累计阅读量超3千万次,打造本领域最具影响的科学传播平台。发起iMeta期刊,打造微生物组/生物信息领域国际顶刊,解决我本领域期刊出版卡脖子问题,建立国际学术话语权体系。兼职为Microbiome、Nucleic Acids Research、Nature Communications等50余种期刊审稿100余次。
宏基因组技术改变了人们认识世界的方式,使我们可以全面揭示生活在人、动物、植物和环境中微生物组的全貌。我们在团队在技术方法方向,开发了培养组(Culturome, Nature Protocols, 2021)、扩增子(EasyAmplicon, iMeta, 2023)、宏基因组(EasyMetagenome)等分析流程,可视化平台ImageGP、EVenn和网络分析R包ggClusterNet。在功能研究方向,发现了萜类化合物对微生物组的调控规律(Science, SCLS, 2019)、宿主关键基因介导根系微生物组参与氮利用(Nature Biotechnology, 2019)和微生物组在抗赤霉病中的机制和应用(Nature Microbiology, 2022)。
Metagenomic Data Analysis and Science Communication
Metagenome technology has changed the way people understand the world, allowing us to fully reveal the whole picture of the microbiome living in people, animals, plants, and the environment. In methods, we developed Culturome (Nature Protocols, 2021), EasyAmplicon (iMeta, 2023), EasyMetagenome pipeline; visualization platforms ImageGP, EVenn and network analysis R Package ggClusterNet. In functional research, we discovered that terpenoids regulate the microbiome (Science, 2019), key host genes mediate the root microbiome to participate in nitrogen utilization (Nature Biotechnology, 2019) and the role of the microbiome in resistance to Fusarium head blight mechanism and application (Nature Microbiology, 2022). In scientific communication, the "Metagenomics Official Account" was established to share more than 3,000 blog posts on research methods and results interpretation; the "Microbiome Protocol eBook" on methods in this field was created as the infrastructure; launched the first microbiome and bioinformatics journal "iMeta" is expected to have an impact factor > 20, establishing an international academic union.