报告标题:Functional lipidomics sheds light on Alzheimer’s disease and diabetic neuropathy
报告人:韩贤林 教授
邀请人:刘笔锋 教授
时 间:2024年5月16日(周四)9:00 - 10:00
地 点:东十一楼九楼会议室
Dr. Han graduated from Zhejiang University and got his PhD in chemistry at Washington University – St. Louis. He did his post-doc training and got his tenure position both in the school of medicine at Washington University. Currently, Dr. Han is the Methodist Foundation Chair Professor of Medicine at Barshop Institute for Longevity and Aging Studies, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. He is the author of the book “Lipidomics: Comprehensive Mass Spectrometry of Lipids”. Dr. Han has published nearly 400 peer-reviewed papers with ~ 40,000 citations. He is a globally renowned investigator in lipidomics and lipid metabolism, and an inventor of “shotgun lipidomics” technologies. He serves as an associate editor of the “Journal of Lipid Research” and as an editorial board member of many international journals such as “BBA – Lipids”, “Analytica Chimica Acta”, “Life Metabolism”, “Analytical Biochemistry”, etc. He was the former president of Chinese American Society for Mass Spectrometry. He serves as a review member for NIH, Hong Kong Research Grants Council, and European Research Grant Foundation. His lab research focuses on functional lipidomics and Alzheimer’s disease.