
下午iGEM的成员参加了和Saclay队伍对第一次会议,并且汇报了近期的项目进展和收集到的资料,同时,我们还与法国的iGEM团队负责人Doriane BLAISE进行了交流讨论,对大赛的各项内容有了全面的认识。

晚餐是Breton buffet(法国的一种特色菜系),包括海鲜、枫糖浆等在内的菜品。所有的海鲜都是腌制过的,包括三文鱼、虾以及鱼肉等,给我们带来了丰富的味觉体验。里面还有一种主食,面饼里面夹着三明治与火腿,吃完十分的满足。最后便是丰富的点心,搭配上枫糖浆,十分美味。
In the morning, we continued to do our experiments studying the microorganisms in the water samples we collected in the Fontainebleau forest ponds. Each person in a team had different tasks to do, such as isolating bacteria on different selective media and culturing them in tubes to study their respiratory types, metabolism types and so on. We also did some trainings of bioinformatics. We learned how to process the nucleotide sequences. To do this, first we used programs to check the redundancy of the data, which indicates the abundance of the species. And then we Identified and removed the chimeras to make sure the data was clean. Then the most interesting part is to use Silva to make a plot of the different taxonomy in the sequence we analyzed. It’s a nice training and and what we have learned would be very helpful for our analysis later.
In the afternoon, iGEM members participated in the first meeting of the team of Saclay, and reported the recent project progress and collected data. At the same time, we also communicated and discussed with Dorian BLAISE, the team leader of iGEM in France, and had a comprehensive understanding of the contents of the competition.
Today's dinner is Breton buffer (a French specialty dish), which includes seafood, maple syrup, and other dishes. All seafood is marinated, including salmon, shrimp, and fish meat, providing us with a rich taste experience. There is also a staple food inside, with sandwiches and ham inside the pastry, which is very satisfying after eating. Finally, there are rich snack, which are delicious with maple syrup.