记录小组: 羊驼帝国第三科研小组
组员: 孙子涵/岳凌菲/张佳音/颜硕/康天曦/雍皓月/于昕扬
来自法国的Juan PELTA教授、Divya AIL老师、Bruno FIGADERE老师和Christelle MONILLE教授分别分享了他们在纳米穿孔识别、通过病毒转基因来治疗视网膜病变、DOX系列药物在帕金森病治疗中的作用、通过干细胞移植来治疗视网膜病变等方面的精彩研究。8797威尼斯老品牌的刘笔锋教授和苏莉教授也在线上做了精彩的汇报,主题分别是在乳腺癌细胞转移影响因素方面的研究和微流体力学在生物学领域的应用效果。每位研究者分享之后,现场的老师和同学们都踊跃提问,氛围热烈。



On the morning of July 10th, we set off energetically from the hotel and headed to the IBGBI building to attend the long-anticipated scientific symposium. The theme of this symposium was Health and Sensory Receptors.
Professor Juan Pelta from France, Ms. Divya Ail, Mr. Bruno Figadere, and Professor Christelle Monille shared their fascinating research in the areas of nanoporous recognition, retinal degeneration treatment through viral gene transfer, the role of DOX series drugs in Parkinson's disease treatment, and stem cell for retinitis pigmentosa. Professors Bifeng LIU and Li SU from the College of Life Sciences and Technology at Huazhong University of Science and Technology also gave excellent presentations via video meetings. The themes of these two presentations were research on factors influencing breast cancer cell metastasis and the applications of microfluidic mechanics in biology. Following each presentation by the researchers, all the participants, including faculties and students, actively engaged in the discussion by posing insightful questions, contributing to a vibrant scholarly atmosphere.
At the subsequent networking lunch, the keynote professors engaged in warm and friendly conversations with the Chinese and French students, discussing the symposium's content and offering advice on future academic planning. The relaxing atmosphere immediately bridged the gap between everyone and the senior students.
Subsequently, an engaging scientific poster session was organized. The senior students introduced themselves, and we gained in-depth insights into their research topics and actively exchanged perspectives. Immediately after, we returned to the classroom, where senior students gave distinctive three-minute presentations on their research topics. Our shimmering gaze reflects the epitome of our unbridled enthusiasm and eager anticipation for the upcoming journey in academic research.
During this vibrant academic exchange event, I profoundly experienced the intellectual fireworks that result from the collision of ideas among individuals from diverse cultures and backgrounds. Engaging in the entire academic exchange conference, my passion for the biological sciences grew increasingly intense. I relish the pleasure of delving into the depths of life science knowledge and engaging in scholarly discourse with others. I am immensely grateful to the professors and senior students from China and France for their patience in communicating with me. Their guidance has helped clarify my future career path, allowing me to pursue my goals with greater determination. I cannot wait to embrace a fruitful tomorrow.